Volume - 3 Issue - 1

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Volume - 3 Issue - 1

Over-View of virtual power purchase agreement (VPPA) and its relevance to developing countries like Nepal

Authors: Ranju Pandey & Deepak Chaudhary
Keywords: Finance, Power Purchase Agreement, Virtual, Green House Gas, Trading

Significance of Comprehensive Studies for Sustainable Infrastructure Development of Nepal

Authors: Reetu Shrestha & Dr. Deepak Chaudhary
Keywords: Infrastructure Development, Comprehensive study, planning, environment

Needed Strategies to Negate a Poisoned Challis: Arsenic Mitigation in Bangladesh

Authors: Prof. Dr. Nadim Reza Khandaker, Mohammad Moshiur Rahman, & Md. Sahil Rafiq1
Keywords: Arsenic, Bangladesh, South Asia, Potable-Water, Mitigation

Causes and effects of rural-urban migration in Nepal: Case of Dev Community in Biratnagar

Authors: Sandip Chaudhary
Keywords: Agriculture, rural-urban migration, Dev community, job opportunity, Quality of life

Rebranding Bioenergy and Energy Efficiency for Rural Energy Sector of Bangladesh

Authors: Pro. Dr. Nadim Reza Khandaker, Sahil Rafiq1 & S.M Rayhan Ebney Bashar
Keywords: Biomass energy, biogas production, renewable energy, energy recovery, sustainable

Effect of Different Lower Limb Stretching Exercises on Flexibility among Table Tennis Players

Authors: Rajendra Khatri
Keywords: Physiotherapist, lower limb stretching exercises, flexibility, table tennis players