Effect of Different Lower Limb Stretching Exercises on Flexibility among Table Tennis Players

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Volume - 3 Issue - 1

Effect of Different Lower Limb Stretching Exercises on Flexibility among Table Tennis Players

Rajendra Khatri


This research examines the effectiveness of lower limb flexibility in table tennis players. An experimental study was conducted to evaluate the impact of lower limb exercises on flexibility among 35 school-aged table tennis players at the Adarsha Vidhaya Mandir Table Tennis Club, consisting of 23 boys and 12 girls aged 10 to 19. Data were analyzed using paired sample tests. The findings suggest that regular lower limb stretching significantly improves flexibility in table tennis players, which in turn enhances performance and reduces the risk of injury. Incorporating these exercises into training programs can optimize flexibility. Furthermore, additional research on the effects of stretching on strength, balance, and agility could lead to more comprehensive training strategies. The sit and reach test shows that the mean test differs before stretching (M=17.60, SD=9.076) and after stretching exercise (M=20.31, SD=8.014) at the 0.05 level of significance. The finding was that the stretching exercise was fruitful for player performance.

Paper Details

Keywords: Physiotherapist, lower limb stretching exercises, flexibility, table tennis players
Year: 2025