ISSN : 2976-1328(Online) & 2976-1360(Print)
Chief Editor Name : Deepak Chaudhary
Publisher Name : Journey for Sustainable Development and Peace
Journey for Sustainable Development and Peace Journal (JSDPJ) is a multidisciplinary and peer-reviewed journal.
Journey for Sustainable Development and Peace Journal (JSDPJ) is published once a year in February focusing on sustainable development and peace. However, twice publication(online) may be happened as per necessity and availability of articles; it will be taken a permission from the concerned authority. JSDPJ welcomes policy-oriented research and scholarship from arts, humanity, development studies, sustainable development, economics, management, politics, rural development, leadership, education, tourism, sociology, anthropology, environment, geography, laws, health, and nutrition. ‘sustainability’ has become the central part of development. Journey for Sustainable Development and Peace Journal seeks research articles, reviews, conversations/interviews, case studies, viewpoints, and letters.
Journey for Sustainable Development and Peace Journal follows a strict editorial review policy with double-blind reviewing and ethical publishing principles. First, articles submitted to the journal are screened by the editorial team and then, plagiarism is checked, and if appropriate, sent to at least two reviewers, and the editorial team reaches a decision about a publication. The editors make a decision based on the reviewers’ advice. Research articles, reviews, conversations/interviews, case studies, viewpoints, and letters. are peer-reviewed. All forms of correction may also be peer-reviewed at the discretion of the editors. Reviewers are welcome to recommend a particular subject, but they must bear in mind that the other reviewers may have different views, and the editors may have to make a decision based on conflicting advice. Readers and the scientific community are our major responsibilities in deciding how best to serve them. Reviewers’ criticisms are taken seriously, particularly the technical criticisms. We follow the rules of publication ethics to ensure the academic objectivity and rigor of the journal. Authors should clearly mention their name, mail, affiliation, and country. Besides, Orcid, google scholar, Twitter, and LinkedIn addresses can also be sent.
JSDPJ is committed to following publication ethics standards which follow the COPE guidelines. We request all contributors and reviewers adhere to publishing ethics.
For Authors—
Please consider the following while submitting articles/papers:
Paper structure-
Details of the corresponding author
Abstract (Max 300 words)
Keywords (max 5)
• Acknowledgments
• Funding,
• Ethical approval of the research,
• Consent of publication,
• Ethical conduct of research,
• Conflict of interest,
• Author(s) academic bio-notes (Introduction of each author (max. 150 words each). The authors are also required to register at http://orcid.org/ and provide the ORCID.
Research includes:
Literature Review and Research Gap
Discussion and Conclusion
Copyright: Articles in JSDPJ are Open Access articles published under the publisher Journey for sustainable development and Peace, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Frequency of Publication: JSDPJ is published annually and usually in February. However, twice publication (online) may be happened as per the necessity and availability of articles; it will be taken permission from the concerned authority. Authors are requested to submit their research article three months or earlier.
Charge/Donation: JSDPJ requests to donate 10000.00 NRs for Nepalese citizens for peer review, Article Processing Charge (APC) and Plagiarism check. For foreigners, 100.00 US Dollars.
Citation and Referencing Style: The JSDPJ follows APA style guidelines for citation and referencing. This link is https://apastyle.apa.org/products/publication-manual-7th-edition.
Google Scholar ( https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=GE0bRY4AAAAJ&hl=en)
Zenodo: https://zenodo.org/deposit?page=1&size=20
NepJol : https://www.nepjol.info/index.php/jsdpj/index
Article Submission: Submissions | Journey for Sustainable Development and Peace Journal (nepjol.info)