Editorial : New, original and innovative articles are welcomed
Along with the publication of this Journal’, a journey for sustainable development and peace begins. ‘Journey for sustainable development and peace journal’ (JSDPJ) primarily focuses on ‘sustainable development approaches to contemporary issues through scientific lenses.
This journal expects research articles, reviews, case studies, and interviews related to all developmental issues with innovative and creative ideas. Both theoretical and empirical write-ups are welcomed, but they must be new and creative. This multidisciplinary journal is peer-reviewed, and it covers the field of environment and climate change, social science, health, nutrition and sanitation, education, sociology, agriculture, artificial intelligence, population, etc.
We would give special importance to empirical-based articles/research and analysis focused on the problems faced in the field of development sectors. We also encourage newcomers with new and innovative ideas and knowledge. Preference will be given to the author’s written language. The article should be in a simple but clearly understood language.
We are very sensitive and committed to its quality. This journal is the result of the high diligence and service spirit of me and my team. It has no funding.
At last, we would thank all contributors and supportive hands. We expect new innovative ideas and experiences and dreams in the future.
Thanking You
Deepak Chaudhary
Chief Editor
01 January 2023